wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz
wireless instrument system with jack cable, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz
wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)
wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)
wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)
wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)
wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)
wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)
wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable), (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)
wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable), (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)
wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule), (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)
wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule), (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)
active antenna splitter with DC power distribution for EW-D receivers, (470-706 MHz MHz)
active antenna splitter with DC power distribution for EW-D receivers, (check 1G8 MHz)
wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable), (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz
wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule), (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz
wireless instrument system with jack cable, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)
wireless instrument system with jack cable, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)