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EWD Combo | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless combo set with bodypack transmitter and e835/S

wireless combo set with bodypack transmitter and e835/S

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EWD EM | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless receiver with GA4 rackmount kit

wireless receiver with GA4 rackmount kit

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EWD SK | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless bodypack transmitter

wireless bodypack transmitter

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EWD SKM R1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless handheld transmitter

wireless handheld transmitter, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD SKM U1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless handheld transmitter

wireless handheld transmitter, (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz


EWD SKM Y1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless handheld transmitter

wireless handheld transmitter, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD ME2 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone

wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone

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EWD ME3 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic

wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic

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EWD ME4 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME4 lavalier microphone

wireless presentor system with new ME4 lavalier microphone

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EWD Cl1 R1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless instrument system with jack cable

wireless instrument system with jack cable, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD Cl1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless instrument system with jack cable

wireless instrument system with jack cable

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EWD SKse | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable)

wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable)

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EWD 835S | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone

wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone

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EWD 835S U1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone

wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone, (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz


EWD 835S Y1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone

wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD SKMse | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule)

wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule)

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EW-D AB | Sennheiser EW-Digital inline antenna booster

inline antenna booster, +10 dB gain, BNC connectors

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EW-D AB (S) | Sennheiser EW-Digital inline antenna booster

inline antenna booster, +10 dB gain, BNC connectors, frequency range (606-706 MHz)


EWD ASA QRS | Sennheiser EW-Digital active antenna splitter with DC power distribution for EW-D receivers

active antenna splitter with DC power distribution for EW-D receivers, (470-706 MHz MHz)


EWD ASA XY | Sennheiser EW-Digital active antenna splitter with DC power distribution for EW-D receivers

active antenna splitter with DC power distribution for EW-D receivers, (check 1G8 MHz)


EWD 835S R1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)

wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD 835S S1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)

wireless vocal system with dynamic cardioid e835/S microphone, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)


EWD Cl1 S1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless instrument system with jack cable S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)

wireless instrument system with jack cable, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)


EWD Cl1 U1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless instrument system with jack cable U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz

wireless instrument system with jack cable, (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz


EWD Cl1 Y1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless instrument system with jack cable Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz

wireless instrument system with jack cable, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD ME2 R1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)

wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD ME2 S1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)

wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)


EWD ME2 U1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz

wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone, (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz


EWD ME2 Y1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz

wireless presentor system with new ME2 lavalier microphone, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD ComboR1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless combo set with bodypack transmitter and e835/S R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)

wireless combo set with bodypack transmitter and e835/S, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD ComboS1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless combo set with bodypack transmitter and e835/S S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)

wireless combo set with bodypack transmitter and e835/S, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)


EWD ComboU1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless combo set with bodypack transmitter and e835/S U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz

wireless combo set with bodypack transmitter and e835/S, (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz


EWD ComboY1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless combo set with bodypack transmitter and e835/S Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz

wireless combo set with bodypack transmitter and e835/S, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD ME3 R1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)

wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD ME3 S1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)

wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)


EWD ME3 U1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz

wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic, (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz


EWD ME3 Y1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz

wireless presentor system with new ME3 headmic, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD ME4R1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME4 lavalier microphone R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)

wireless presentor system with new ME4 lavalier microphone, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD ME4S1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME4 lavalier microphone S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)

wireless presentor system with new ME4 lavalier microphone, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)


EWD ME4U1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME4 lavalier microphone U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz

wireless presentor system with new ME4 lavalier microphone, (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz


EWD ME4Y1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless presentor system with new ME4 lavalier microphone Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz

wireless presentor system with new ME4 lavalier microphone, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD SKse R1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable) R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)

wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable), (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD SKse S1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable) S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)

wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable), (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)


EWD SKse U1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable) U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865

wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable), (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865


EWD SKse Y1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable) Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz

wireless bodypack base set with bodypack transmitter (without cable), (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD SKMseR1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule) (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)

wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule), (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD SKMseS1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule) (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)

wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule), (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)


EWD SKMseU1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule) (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz

wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule), (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz


EWD SKMseY1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule)

wireless handheld base set with SKM handheld (without capsule), (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD EM R1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless receiver with GA4 rackmount kit (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)

wireless receiver with GA4 rackmount kit, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD EM S1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless receiver with GA4 rackmount kit (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)

wireless receiver with GA4 rackmount kit, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)


EWD EM U1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless receiver with GA4 rackmount kit (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz

wireless receiver with GA4 rackmount kit, (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz


EWD EM Y1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless receiver with GA4 rackmount kit (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz

wireless receiver with GA4 rackmount kit, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD SK R1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless bodypack transmitter (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)

wireless bodypack transmitter, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EWD SK S1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless bodypack transmitter (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)

wireless bodypack transmitter, (S1-7) 606-662 MHz (NL)


EWD SK U1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless bodypack transmitter (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz

wireless bodypack transmitter, (U1/5) 823-832 MHz & 863-865 MHz


EWD SK Y1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless bodypack transmitter (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz

wireless bodypack transmitter, (Y1-3) 1785-1800 MHz


EWD SKM R1 | Sennheiser EW-Digital wireless handheld transmitter (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)

wireless handheld transmitter, (R1-6) 520-576 MHz (BE)


EW-D AB (Q) | Sennheiser EW-Digital inline antenna booster frequency range (470-550 MHz)

inline antenna booster, +10 dB gain, BNC connectors, frequency range (470-550 MHz)


EW-D AB (R) | Sennheiser EW-Digital inline antenna booster frequency range (520-608 MHz)

inline antenna booster, +10 dB gain, BNC connectors, frequency range (520-608 MHz)


EW-D AB (U) | Sennheiser EW-Digital inline antenna booster frequency range (823-865 MHz)

inline antenna booster, +10 dB gain, BNC connectors, frequency range (823-865 MHz)


EW-D AB (Y) | Sennheiser EW-Digital inline antenna booster frequency range (1785-1805 MHz)

inline antenna booster, +10 dB gain, BNC connectors, frequency range (1785-1805 MHz)


EWD ASA XY | Sennheiser EW-Digital active antenna splitter with DC power distribution for EW-D receivers (check 1G8 MHz)

active antenna splitter with DC power distribution for EW-D receivers, (check 1G8 MHz)

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