AQ-7U |Aquila Nylgut muta di corde per ukulele da concerto

EAN13 -33097 8052405531056
article number: AQ-7U
product id: 33097

muta di corde per ukulele da concerto, per accordatura regolare, SOL-DO-MI-LA
Until the mid-20th century Ukuleles were mounted exclusively in gut, a material that had been used for thousand of years and that combines excellent promptness of attack with brilliance of timbre - very different, in other words, from modern nylon strings. And until recently the typical sound quality of gut has been a constant point of reference for luthiers, composers and performers alike.
A fundamental aim of our research has therefore been to make a new synthetic product having the same acoustic properties as gut - but without its typical defects - (high cost, limited duration and high instability under varying climatic). Nylgut® has precisely these qualities: allowing one, on the one hand, to rediscover the sonorities familiar to the great 19th and 20th century Uke masters; and guaranteeing, on the other, a stability of tuning higher even than that of the best gut and nylon strings.

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