GBFNFBLK |Gluboost Fill n’ Finish black finisher cyanoacrylic glue

EAN13 -54566 680750892423
numero de articulo: GBFNFBLK
product id: 54566

Fill n’ Finish black finisher cyanoacrylic glue, Pro formula, 2oz (59ml) bottle
Finally in black! Our Fill n’ Finish black enjoys the same great flexibility and resilience that all Fill n Finish formulas enjoy and, as always, is guaranteed fresh. With super long open time and zero to minimal witness lines every time, this game changing product is ideal for all of your wood builds, repairs, inlay work and marquetry. Fill n’ Finish black reliably fill pores and gaps and vanquish cracks, dings and dents. Perfect for your quick repairs and restorations.
- Dries flexible, it never creeps
- Super long open time
- Safe for use on all finishes: nitro, lacquer, polyester and -urethane and even waterbased finishes
- You can shoot lacquer right over Fill n’ Finish black with completely invisible results
- 100% pure product so you get superior and stronger results along with a safer workplace
- Far less irritating than many other CA glues
- A pen in the tip cap prevents clogging
- Two whip tips for pinpoint accuracy are included.
Fill n’ Finish Black is deliberately semi-transparent. If more opacity is desired, you can use your MasterTint black on your mix palette for more density of color. This formula provides you with maximum flexibility of use. Fill n’ Finish Products are very slow drying products, we recommmend using our Glu Dry accelator.

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